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Credit: "Ring-a-round-a roses" by Artist Jessie Willcox Smith (1863–1935), published 1912; Wikimedia Commons |
By Anne Zeiser,
President and CEO,
Azure Media
Transmedia Marketing--From Film and TV to Games and Digital Marketing
(Focal Press 2015)
Current generations may not know that the innocent childhood game “Ring-Around-the-Rosie” is a cultural holdover to the devastation that diseases like the Great Plague and the Black Death wreaked on human populations. Even in the 20th century, infectious diseases were such a dominant threat to the quality of life that Jonas Salk became an unintended folk hero for developing a safe polio vaccine. Today, most people don’t remember the heartbreaking and sometimes lethal effects of not vaccinating, hence can’t see their own vital role in public health.
By 2000, the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) declared a public health
victory, that measles, which had once infected 3 to 4 million people and
killed 500 yearly, had been eliminated in the U.S. through effective vaccines
and public health systems. Yet in the spring of 2014, the CDC reported thatmeasles was back, placing it at its highest level in the
U.S. in 20 years. This past June, California declared an epidemic of whooping
cough – life-threatening for babies – with 800 cases reported in two weeks alone. The CDC and the California Department of
Public Health were declaring public
health failures.
You and I
own that failure. Each of us is responsible for our collective health – a foundational
principle of public health. With highly infectious diseases like measles, 95%of a community must be vaccinated to maintain “herd immunity” – the tenuous threshold of vaccination required to prevent
outbreaks, thereby protecting the most vulnerable who can’t vaccinate,
including the very young and the immune-suppressed. (When I was undergoing
chemotherapy and wore a mask in public, I was grateful to each of you who vaccinated.) When the vaccination rate drops below that threshold
by just a few percentage points in a population, this safeguard can break down, often resulting in pockets of
outbreaks. That’s happened within our borders – from California and New York to
Ohio and Maine. And that can happen in your community when too few people vaccinate.
Science continually
demonstrates that when vaccination rates drop, herd immunity collapses and outbreaks
re-emerge and travel. There were 30,000 cases of measles in Europe in 2011; 2,000 cases in the UK in 2012; and, there are almost 600 measles cases in 21 states in the U.S.now. Public health policy is set based on
that science and relies on you and me to protect vulnerable populations – which
could be your newborn niece, your brother undoing cancer treatment, or your
aging grandmother. Those with immature or compromised immune systems are even
more vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases than healthy individuals. By
not vaccinating, we’re all but placing them back in the era of the Bubonic
Plague. Is that humane or socially responsible?
Outbreaks in
the developing world are an understandable byproduct of political strife or
inadequate infrastructure. But here in the developed world, where we’ve had the
science to hold these vaccine-preventable diseases at bay for decades, why are
outbreaks of measles, mumps, and whooping cough back in the news?
Because of huge
cultural differences between the 20th and 21st centuries.
As we’ve enjoyed high levels of health, we’ve also lost our understanding of
the urgency of public health. Preventative health is invisible. It’s hard to
communicate until it's lost and its effects become visible. For some, then it’s
too late. These outbreaks aren’t due to the lack of medical know-how or
resources, but because some people don’t vaccinate or delay vaccination from
fear of perceived risks or religious beliefs. While 90% of parents do vaccinate, and most do on the CDC’s recommended schedule, 10% of parents choose to delay or skip
their children’s shots, and many parents have questions about vaccinating.
That hesitancy
lies at the nexus of where science meets culture. Vaccinating children is
inextricably linked to parents’ love and fear. The acute fear of deadly
diseases that fueled panic about not
vaccinating in earlier times, has been replaced by a new kind of pervasive fear
about vaccinating, also born from
parents’ abiding love of their children. That huge
change in the CDC's reported measles rates in just 15 years may be attributable
to one bad study and the panic it incited. In 1998, many
parents fell prey to Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent study of 12 patients citing
a link between MMR-based vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism, peddled
through the media by well-meaning celebrities. Understandably, some fearful
parents opted out or delayed vaccination.
years later, the MMR/autism link is one of the most researched areas in vaccines.
The worldwide scientific consensus from myriad peer-reviewed studies of many thousands
of subjects is that there’s no association between the MMR vaccine and autism. Wakefield
has been fully discredited – his medical license was revoked, Lancet retracted the paper, citing Wakefield’sethical misconduct, and study authors acknowledged, "We did not prove an association between measles,
mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described.” But the urban
myth persists among entirely new generations of parents because it was so
effectively perpetrated through word-of-mouth.
And it stuck because some parents are less likely to trust scientific institutions
and medical experts than celebrities and information circulating on the
Internet. For them, questioning vaccinations is a sign of love and vigilance.
media myths about such an emotionally-charged subject can influence the
reception of expert information from dedicated scientists, doctors, health care
professionals, and public health officials. Resulting slips in vaccination
rates can put public health in the balance.
To protect their constituencies, state policy makers are tightening vaccination
exceptions. http://www.kpbs.org/news/2014/jan/02/new-law-requires-doctors-note-vaccine-exemptions-c/While
this increases vaccination rates and minimizes outbreaks, it doesn’t close the
science understanding gap, which is paramount for the long-term vibrancy of
communities and economies.
One way to close that gap is to
present science in accessible ways that acknowledge and tackle parents’
questions. NOVA’s Vaccines – Calling the Shots, produced
for NOVA by Tangled Bank Studios in
association with Genepool Productions, recently premiering on PBS, does just that. Featuring scientists, pediatricians, psychologists,
anthropologists, and parents wrestling with vaccine-related questions, the
hour-long film explores the history and science behind vaccinations, tracks
outbreaks of previously eradicated diseases, sheds light on the risks of opting
out of vaccinating, and presents new science on the genetic causes of autism. The
film is streamed online along with a rich array of digital assets, together examining the science and the
cultural, policy, and public health implications of vaccines.
this new entrée to vaccines will seed an informed, non-polarizing dialogue
about the best way to protect our families and communities. And, perhaps it will help you and me see how our understanding of science and our choices about
vaccination are critically linked to public health and to each other’s well-being.
Anne Zeiser is a media
professional, including working in science and health communications. She contributed
to NOVA’s Vaccines – Calling the Shots.
(You can join the conversation at #vaccinesNOVA) Anne Zeiser tweets
via @azuremedia
This article can also be
seen in the Huffington Post at this link.
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